2. All of your mutual pictures have been taken off of facebook and replaced but what looks like a bunch of photos she took for match.com you know the poses I'm talking about.
3. Her 10 year old collection of granny panties has been replaced by sexy thongs and boy shorts
4. Girls night out goes from being once every couple months to every couple of nights. 5. Her work pants all of a sudden become work skirts and her 2 inch heels seem to have grow to 4 inches.
6. When she gets a call, her usual "phone voice" is replaced with a flirtatious laughing voice instead.
7. Her work sends her out of town.... For the first time in the 20 years she has worked there. .
8. She spends an hour putting on makeup and "getting ready" to run to "walmart" to pick up a couple of things. Especially bad if she comes home and says "They were out of what I needed"
9. Her close friends all seem to snicker and look away when you walk in the room.
10. You come home to find another guy in your bed. Yup, that would do it.