Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Things you never want your roomate to say to you

We have all had roommates at some point in our life (well, most of us at least). Here is a list of things that you would hope to never have your roommate say to you.

Here's your underwear back. I ran out the other day.

Would you mind coming in the bathroom and checking this out for me?

Is it a problem if your mom sleeps over tonight?

Did you know your sister has a tatoo on her butt cheek?

Where is my sperm sample? I can't find it in the fridge.

I've been thinking about experimenting with my sexuality.

Rent? What rent?

Spaghetti noodle strainer? I thought that was a.... uh. Never mind.

Your toothbrush is the red one? Really?

and the top thing you don't want to hear your roomate say to you.....

Do you mind if I snuggle in bed with you... It's cold tonight.


  1. um, what else would you use a spaghetti strainer for? and the pic isn't really a spaghetti strainer...ick, this is just opening up all sorts of badness.

  2. I'm with FC....I wanna know about the spaghetti strainer.....but I don't at the same time. ((shudder))

    hilarious as always. and I definitely don't want my roomate saying any of those things to myself or my husband. oh my gosh, srsly, thinking about our roomate getting into bed with us.... *poors bleach in brain*

  3. Hey KG, some nights it's really cold. He may need to snuggle for body heat. You know that when you are trying to pass body heat you are suppose to be naked. So to make it as warm as possible....... I'll leave you with that thought.

  4. oh Mr.Bitches, I live in Alaska...if he gets cold he can wear his snow pants and parka to bed, he can build a fire in his bedroom for all I care, there is no freakin way he is getting into my bed. the to the end, my friend. =D

    ps...are you gonna elaborate on the spaghetti strainer, or do I have to use my imagination? cause my mind is pretty twisted.

  5. I will just leave that to the perverted people out there. I just meant that the roomate may have used it to possibly grab something from behind the couch or from under the bed..... But for you and fire crotch, I am pretty disgusted by where ya'lls minds have taken it. If I could take a bar of soap to your imaginations right now I would.
