Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Top 10 things NOT overheard at Obamas Beer Summit

On Thursday Obama will hold a beer summit with Prof. Gates and Officer Crowley. Here are the top 10 things that probably won't be overheard at this drink fest.

1. Where did I put my keys now?

2. Obama "Can I get an imported beer? This domestic stuff is crap!"

3. Damn, This door seems to be stuck. Professor Gates, Can you give me a hand?

4. Anyone up for a game of beer pong?

5. So, What did y'all think of that OJ Verdict?

6. A group sing along of "We are the World."

7. Office Crowley "Can I get another Schlitz Malt Liquor?"

8. Officer Crowley "Y'all remember that Rodney King stuff? Yea, Good times."

9. Prof. Gates to Officer Crowley "Hey man, can I get a ride home?"

10. Ya'll know any good Yo Mamma jokes?

and the bonus round said by all 3......
"I may have over-reacted"

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